Figures suggest that more than 80% of us will suffer debilitating back pain at some stage in our adult lives. Back pain is the single leading cause of time out of work – far out-shooting even the common cold!
Back pain is a chief reason people make appointments with their family doctors. It hobbles millions of us every day – weekend warriors, who try to cram all their recreation into one or two days a week; people who lift a heavy bundle incorrectly; or someone who twists his back doing something as simple as bending, reaching or getting in or out of a car.
Many different lifestyle factors contribute to the onset of serious lumbar discomfort. So what’s the relevance of all of these figures to employers?
Back Pain and Injury Prevention is Better Than Compensation
The back wasn’t designed to spend long periods sitting at a computer desk, automobile or television screen. The modern day worker is sitting so much that their bodies are forgetting how to perform movements it has been doing for thousands of years, such as squatting, bending down, lunging, pushing, pulling and twisting. This is causing debilitating structural imbalance to many Australian workers.
The more we sit the quicker our muscles shut down and leave us vulnerable to injury. No surprise then that back injury accounts for one-third of all workplace injuries.
According to NSW Workcover, it’s the responsibility of both employers and employees to make sure the workplace is safe. It’s best to be proactive rather than wait for injuries to accumulate before doing something.
The quality of your staff’s posture can make a big difference in their life. Proper posture can make a person look and feel stronger, decrease the risk of injury, advance everyday performance, and over the course of their life, proper posture can prevent painful physical and mental strain.
Most of the problems we see on the fitness side of things are associated with one thing: PEOPLE SIT TOO MUCH!
A Back Pain and Injury Prevention Program promotes proper posture, workplace conditioning, and body mechanics through education and preventative measures.
Some programs are based on the Pyramid of Performance. The Pyramid of Performance represents a simple exercise movement model which establishes the importance of exercise and movement progression to achieve maximum physical performance whilst minimising musculoskeletal pain and injury.
Programs Offer
- Spine and Musculoskeletal Assessment
- Musculoskeletal function and Neuro-muscular integration
- Motor learning approach to exercise
- Understanding your environment and your responsibility
- Promoting prevention rather than reaction.
- Corrective strategies to maximise posture and musculoskeletal health
By covering the systems in spinal stability, i.e. spinal muscles, spinal column and central nervous system; programs show you how our body systems are required to provide us with a greater functional capacity for day to day wellbeing.